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Industry information

Selection of imidazole storage and transportation containers
Suitable raw materials for imidazole are: low carbon steel and stainless steel. Do not store: aluminum and its alloys, lead, zinc, some rubber, polystyrene. Fill according to the safe loading capacity. Pay attention to electrostatic grounding. Precautions for transportation: store in a cool and ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat source. The warehouse temperature should not exceed 30 ℃. Avoid direct sunlight. The package shall be sealed and shall not be touched with air. Not many or long-term storage. It shall be stored separately from oxidants and acids. The lighting, ventilation and other facilities in the storage room shall be explosion-proof, and the switch shall be set outside the warehouse. Equip with corresponding types and quantities of fire-fighting equipment. Fire and explosion-proof technical measures shall be taken during tank storage. Prohibit the use of mechanical equipment and things prone to sparks. When filling an appropriate amount, one twentieth of the empty volume shall be reserved to prevent the increase of internal pressure due to heating and the occurrence of container cracking. Handle with care to avoid package and container damage.